
Stockholm Convention Global Monitoring Plan
Data Warehouse

(or just: GMP DWH)

Data visualisations Learn more

GMP Data Warehouse provides on-line software tools supporting the implementation of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, especially the effectiveness evaluation by providing comparable, harmonised and reliable information on persistent organic pollutants levels globally in core environmental matrices: air, human tissues (breast milk, blood), and water.

On-line software tools
of the GMP Data Warehouse

The GMP Data Warehouse (GMP DWH) is an online tool developed for handling persistent organic pollutants (POPs) monitoring data generated in the frame of the Global Monitoring Plan (GMP) under the Stockholm Convention on POPs.

GMP Data Warehouse

Data Management Console

The Data Management Console is a working environment for the Regional Organization Groups and the Stockholm Convention Secretariat and a tool for POPs data input by data providers.

Data visualizations

Interactive set of data visualisation reports with extensive filters to browse data and discover insights from the GMP3 dataset.


Learn more about:

Learn some context and get background and reference information behind GMP DWH.


Global Monitoring Plan

Monitoring reports
developed by regional organisation groups.

While GMP DWH is a tool for storage, analysis and visualization of global POPs data online, there is more detailed information and explanations related to POPs data. This information is available in each of the regional monitoring reports on the Stockholm Convention website.




Asia and Pacific


Global Report

Regional monitoring reports

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The global implementation of GMP-3 was made possible thanks to the generous contributions from the EU, Japan, Norway, Sweden.​

Strategic monitoring partnerships include: Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP), Global Atmospheric Passive Sampling Network (GAPS), POPs Monitoring Project in East Asian countries Project (POPsEA), European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP), Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN), Great Lakes Basin Monitoring programme, and the Monitoring Network for POPs in Europe, Africa and Asia (MONET) and global AquaMONET of the Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment (RECETOX). ​

Many thanks to UNEP/GEF GMP and UNEP/GEF GMP2 projects and experts of the ROGs and GCG of the Stockholm Convention GMP and strategic partners.


The designations employed and the presentations shown in this portal are possible options, based on expert judgment, for the purpose of providing comparable POPs monitoring data for the effectiveness evaluation of the Stockholm Convention. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) or contributory organizations/monitoring programmes cannot be liable for misuse of the information contained in it.


GMP DWH, 2020 Hůlek, R., Borůvková, J., Kalina, J., Bednářová, Z., Šebková, K., Hruban, T., Novotný, V., Ismael, M., Klánová J. Global Monitoring Plan Data Warehouse of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants: visualisation platform and on-line tool for the analysis of global levels of POPs in air, water, breast milk and blood [online]. Masaryk University, 2020. Available from: https://data.pops-gmp.org/2020/all